Energy Rating Reports FAQs

Green Choice Consulting is a highly experienced home and building energy efficiency consultant providing NatHERs accredited reports with fast turnaround times. Read our energy rating reports frequently asked questions to learn more, or contact us for personal advice.

All new builds and additions or alterations to an existing home require an energy efficiency report to get a building permit.


Currently, the required minimum star rating to get a building permit is 6 stars.


6 Stars is not the only pathway to showing your building is compliant. Depending on your requirements a report showing compliance with the elemental provisions or a performance solution may lead to a cheaper outcome.

The cost of completing an Energy Assessment will vary depending on the type of construction and what type of assessment is required. 

We strive to maintain competitive prices while ensuring our quality of service is the best in the industry.

We offer a price match guarantee and the best service in the industry.

We aim for a 2 day turnaround time for all projects as standard. If you need a job completely urgently to meet a deadline, please let us know that your job is high priority.
If the turnaround time cannot be met for your project we will provided continued updates, and keep your informed of all potential delays.

There are three options to demonstrate compliance:

  1. Achieving 6-stars in NatHERS accredited software*
  2. Verification using a Reference Building (VURB)
  3. Deemed to Satisfy (DTS)

*You may be eligible for a star-rating credit dependent on your circumstances. Contact us for further information.

A 6-Star NatHERS Rating will provide a rating from 0-10 stars with higher ratings reflecting a more energy efficient house design. A perfect 10 stars rated dwelling will require no power to achieve a thermally comfortable temperature for it’s owner’s and a 0 star rating would leave the owner’s with no protection from the thermal elements.

A 6-star Rating is generated through NatHERS approved software and takes into account the usage patterns of a room, the layout of the house and any insulation and construction materials used in a dwelling. A 6-Star rated dwelling is considered the gold-standard and is the preferred method of achieving energy compliance.


Verification using a Reference Building (VURB) uses a minimum performance standard to demonstrate compliance by comparing the proposed building to a reference building. The National Construction Code (NCC) outlines what construction materials and insulation must be used on the reference building. If your proposed building meets or exceeds the energy performance of the reference building your job is compliant.


VURB is available across all of Australia (excl. NSW). NCC2019 introduced more stringent compliance requirements which now make it most suitable for jobs in Climate zone 5. Climate zone 6 has higher glazing requirements and a 6-star report is a usually more cost effective compliance solution.


If you are located in Western Australia or South Australia (Climate zone 5) VURB may be a more cost-effective solution. Please contact us to discuss your options.

A Deemed-to-Satisfy solution, includes the HERS (House Energy Rating Scheme) OR Elemental Provisions. Only one of these solutions is required to demonstrate compliance via the Deemed-to-Satisfy solution.

The HERS solution is achieved through a 6-Star Energy Rating Report.


Elemental Provisions compliance is achieved by demonstrating compliance with DtS provisions specified with in Parts 3.12.1 to 3.12.4 of the NCC Volume 2. These provisions outline minimum requirements for each the Building Fabric, Glazing, Building Sealing and Air Movement. This method will provide a strict pass or fail result, and provides no flexibility for any design aspect. In most cases, this pathway is only used as a last resort when alternative options are not suitable.

Insulation and glazing upgrade requirements can be significantly reduced by incorporating Energy Efficient design principles during the design process.


Common design considerations include positioning living areas and glazing on the North side so they get access to the sun  in winter, shading Northern windows to block the sun in summer, reducing overall glazing where possible, considering ventilation requirements and ensuring colour choices suit the climate zone and dwelling design.


Your Home” is a free online resource which guides you on how to properly implement design elements so that your home takes advantage of the environment to maintain a comfortable internal temperature.


As your Energy Assessor, we understand that some design decisions may not always lead to the most energy efficient outcome. Our goal, is to keep insulation and glazing upgrades to the minimum required, without compromising your home design. We are always available to discuss your needs and provide a solution that suits your individual circumstances.

Yes, all additions or variations to an existing home will require an Energy Rating. The preferred method of achieving compliance may vary depending on council requirements, the design of the house and which state you are located in. We recommend you contact us so we can ensure you are provided with the most cost-effective solution.


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